From: Olly Richards

Hobbitshire: Time independence...

Many years ago, I heard an entrepreneur say: 
“If you don’t delegate at least two tasks a year, then you don’t have a business… you have a job!
I took this to heart. 

I made delegating a priority as I grew my online business, StoryLearning. 
So much so that, by 2018, I’d built a 7-figure business.

By 2021, I had reduced my time to only 6 days a month. 

The way I did this was simple: 

I built a strong team. 

Building a team gave me back control over my time. This meant I could focus on strategy. As a result, we grew even more. 

Eventually, the business was pulling in 7-figures in annual profit, and I had effectively worked myself out of the business… 

Leaving me free to take beach walks, fly my Robin DR400 around the skies of Hobbitshire, and meet my daughter from school every day. 

Building a strong team buys you your freedom. 

But there’s a key skill you have to master first: 


(And I had a secret weapon. But more on that later.)
You Suck At Hiring!
See, truth is that most entrepreneurs suck at hiring. 

They treat hiring like a dirty job for someone to take off their hands. 

 But when you shirk responsibility for hiring, things don’t go well: 

  • Roles aren’t clear in your team, leading to disfunction & confusion 
  • A poor hiring process leaves you with bad candidates 
  • Hiring the wrong people leads to underperformance 
  • You waste months of time & set the business back 

Hiring becomes something you fear. 

So you stop doing it. 

Eventually, you give up and go back to doing the work by yourself. 

And now we’re in familiar territory: 

  • You’re tied to the business 
  • Massive to-do lists that never get cleared 
  • Permanent state of burnout & overwhelm 

No wonder your growth ambitions begin to stall. 

“Hiring isn’t for me… I’m just not cut out for managing people!” 

But I say: Nonsense! 

You just haven’t learned to do it yet...

My Secret Weapon

Around the time I started scaling my team, I met Noel Andrews. 

Noel is a recruitment expert who lives, eats and breathes hiring.

He has:


  • Made over 3,000+ hires for different companies
  • Recruited for $1 billion corporates
  • Built an entire remote team for a 4,000-person business

Bro doesn't f- around.

I was actively working on scaling StoryLearning, so I invited Noel to come for some walks near my home in Hobbitshire:

I told him how I wanted to build my team.

He gave me ideas. 

But not just any old ideas...

He gave me ideas for hiring that I’d never even thought of

I'm talking:

Off-the-wall, random, crazy s*** that would never work in a million years! 

Except the ideas did work. 

Here's some of what he taught me:

  • The best job post you've ever seen. (We'll show it to you, and what you can learn from it.)
  • How to get your own private recruiter for $20/hr. (Simple.) 
  • Why you keep hiring people who are " just not that good" (and how to make amazing hires every time)
  • The 6 different places you should post your job ads. (This can get you 10X applications.)
  • The "nuclear mistake" you're making before the hiring process even begins. (This is why your hires don't work out.)
  • Why your hiring process takes far too long. (And how to hire FAR faster.)
  • The no-brainer place to source the best candidates (You'll never find them on job boards.)
  • How to get all the  benefits of recruiters... without the fees! (I couldn't believe this one when Noel taught it to me)
  • Why the best people ignore your job ads. (And how to make sure they take notice.)
  • Why a $1,000/mth role is a $12,000 decision. (And what this means for how you find the right person.)
  • The 5-step template to writing the perfect job ad. (Only amateurs start writing with a blank page.)
  • A cheat-code for deciding the exact style of job ad you need. (You don't use the same job ad for everything, do you?)
  • Why using ChatGPT is a potential death-sentence for your recruitment process. (And how to turn it into an advantage.)
  • How to get your dream candidates applying for every job you post (without spending any time on it yourself)
  • Exactly when to pay to boost your job ads, and when not to. (This alone will save you the price of the workshop.)
  • Never look at resumes first. (And what to do instead.) 
  • 2 types of questions to ask in applications that instantly weed out bad candidates. (This saves you hours.) 
  • The one simple question you should ask at the end of every application. (This gets you the best candidates every time.)
  • The "double pass" system that cuts your filtering process down by 50% or more. (It's stupid simple, but nobody does it.)
  • Do you ask candidates to send videos with their applications? (We'll show you exactly what to do and when.)
  • One specific role you should NEVER ask to send videos. (Like, never.)
  • Interview tests -- exactly how to do them. (We'll show you step-by-step.)
  • Where to get an endless, pre-vetted supply of interview tasks. (Just use them directly with candidates.)
  • Everyone gets referencing wrong. Here's how to get it right, and avoid a costly mistake.
  • Why you should NEVER tell a new hire their salary. (Do this instead to make them accept.)
  • How to NEVER lose the perfect candidate once you've hired them. (Specific things to do here.)
  • If you only get ONE stage of the hiring process right... make sure it's THIS one. (Seriously, it's that important.)
  • 99% of people who apply for your job are wrong. (How to find the 1% who are perfect.)

My hiring process completely changed.

I began looking forward to hiring, rather than dreading it.

And with our growing team, StoryLearning quickly added millions of dollars in revenue, while I reduced my time to 6 days a month.

In fact, we're on our company team retreat in Cyprus as I write this:

No wonder Noel became my secret weapon.

Every time I talk to him about hiring, I learn something new.

And whenever I'm hiring for a new role, he's the first person I call.

Become a World-Class Team-Builder

Let's be real:

Learning to hire properly is a core skillset for entrepreneurs.

I don't care if you're just getting started, or you're hiring your 50th employee for your 7-figure business...

There's always more to learn.

So for this month's workshop, I've invited Noel (AKA my secret weapon) to teach you specific strategies to grow your online business with better hires. 

This is not a "hiring for beginners" workshop.

We'll focus specifically on the things that entrepreneurs consistently get wrong.

Tactics that will help you hire better people overnight:

- Make incredible hires every time

- Scale your business to new heights

- Buy back your time to enjoy the journey

This is core stuff -- frankly, if you're an entrepreneur you'd be crazy to miss it. 

Join The Workshop

New Workshop: 

Hiring Mastery - Hidden Strategies to Grow Your Team & Scale Your Business

Date & Time:

  • Date: Tuesday 14th May 2024 
  • Time: 6pm UK | 1pm EST | 10am PST 
  • Length: 2 hours (incl. Q&A)

Join the workshop live to get your questions answered.

But don't worry if you can't attend live -- you'll receive the recordings after the workshop.


You can join the workshop live for only $100. (Includes recordings.)

After the live workshop, recordings will be sold separately for $200. This means you can buy now and save 50%!

What to do next:

Simply complete your information below to register for the workshop.

I'll see you there.



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Special One-Time Offer!

"Financial Zen for Entrepreneurs" workshop -- 50% off!
Is knowledge of finance holding you back in your business? You're not alone. In my Financial Zen workshop, I teach you the complete "financial operating system" I've developed over 10 years of running a $10M online education business.

This is for you whether you’re just getting started, or already running a 7-figure business.

You'll get complete clarity over how to take your money management to the next level, scale your business faster, grow your personal wealth and bring more fun and less stress to the entrepreneurial journey.

I lay it all out on a plate for you in this workshop. Add it to your order now for 50% off -- only $100. 

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Hiring Mastery (LIVE)$100

  • Total payment
  • 1xHiring Mastery (LIVE)$100

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