From: Olly Richards
Hobbitshire: Living the one-person lifestyle...
If you have valuable knowledge that you want to teach to others, I can show you how to turn that knowledge into a highly profitable expert business that runs with a team of one…
In January 2023, I started my own One-Person Empire from scratch...
No email list...
No social...
Originally, I didn't even plan to monetise this personal brand for the first 2-3 years.
So, you can imagine my surprise when people literally started offering to throw money at me:

(both big name marketers)
And demanding to work with me one-to-one…
Even though I hadn’t offered a single thing for sale:

How is this possible?
One word: Positioning.
But more on that later.
As a result of this:
- In year one, I generated $175,000
- In year two, I projected over $1 million
And I did this in my spare time, alongside running my $10M company, traveling a bunch, raising a family, and wandering the rolling hills of my home in Hobbitshire.
After 10 years building my business, StoryLearning.com, I wanted to use my expertise to help other entrepreneurs grow their businesses.
But I didn't want to build another giant business, with overhead, meetings and stress.
I wanted to build:
But a One-Person Empire is interesting for other people too:
- A successful entrepreneur who wants to build a personal brand
- Someone with an existing side-hustle who dreams of a more profitable business
- Business owners worried about A.I. damaging their business
- A career professional who wants their own independent business
- A teacher, author or expert who wants to transition their work online
All you really need is expertise with genuine market value -- i.e. something people will pay for.
(If you don't know much about anything, this ain't for you.)
Build it in the right way, and your One-Person Empire can generate a lucrative new income stream, turn you into a sought-after expert and build a recession-proof “personal” business that can never be taken away from you.
It sounds simple.
But getting it right is hard.
That's why I thought it would be fun to deliver a “deep-dive” workshop where I teach:
I’ll detail the pivotal decisions that made starting and building almost effortless...
I’ll explain the expert positioning I mentioned earlier, that was so powerful that I made $150k of sales without a single sales pitch of any kind.
I'll show you the content strategy I used to build my One-Person Empire in my spare time.
And I’ll teach you the exact method I’m using to scale from 6 to 7 figures, with very little additional time.
Can I guarantee you will achieve the same financial results?
Hell, no.
But by giving you a behind-the-scenes look into my strategy — for a throwaway price — I can guarantee you a serious mindset upgrade, and a unique look into building a new online business the right way.
Some of the things you’ll learn:
- How to position yourself as a “category of one” and magnetically attract your ideal customer
- How to design an offer structure that maximises earning potential from the outset
- How to build a One-Person Empire without creating regular content (Nope, you don’t have to be on the hamster wheel)
- Easy ways to get free leads all day long (and they’re the best kind)
- How to make a profit from new leads, so you have a negative advertising cost (yes, you read that right)
- How to design a business model that scales with just one person (so you can generate a large income without a team)
- Your only two options for marketing your One-Person Empire (what they are and how to choose)
- Your one single goal for the first 12 months (and why it’s so important)
- Why I refuse to accept sponsors, despite them hammering on the door to give me money
- How to use correct positioning to make your business recession-proof (and can actually grow your income in a downturn)
- How to create a self-funded “content machine” flywheel, that builds your online presence for free
- My exact formula for creating content that establishes me as a go-to authority in my space (you can steal it)
- Why I offer 100% affiliate commissions (and why you would consider this yourself)
- A simple and direct way to know if your leads will spend money with you (this is essential knowledge)
- How much to reinvest back into your business (and what to spend it on)
- How a One-Person Empire can thrive with a tiny audience (and why it might be better than a big audience) YouTube, newsletters, LinkedIn?
- A fool-proof method to choose the perfect content type for your business
- How to understand your Empire with a simple 2-part equation (makes growing and scaling really simple)
- Every single opportunity I say "no" to (and why you should too)
- A fool-proof 1-hour method to create huge amounts of content (even if you hate content and can’t write for toffee)
Now look…
I also don't want you to think that this is some kind of sexy new business opportunity.
It's not.
If you’re looking for fast cash, this is the wrong thing for you.
Building a One-Person Empire isn't something to rush. It takes time. (I’ll be building my own brand for the next 10 years.)
But because good things take time, it definitely makes sense to start sowing the seeds of your brand now, even if you only plan to execute in the future.
My aim for each of my workshops is to give you 10 years’ worth of lessons in a single sitting.
And so I guarantee that this short workshop will be time well spent.
And if you don’t feel I deliver on that, I’ll grant you an immediate refund. (Although, to date, not one single person has asked me for a refund. That tells you something about what to expect.)
One last thing —
This isn't a training course or step-by-step "how to". You won’t leave the workshop with a giant workbook and set of worksheets for you to file away and forget about.
This is simply a behind-the-scenes deep dive of how I started my own One-Person Empire, the critical decisions I made, and how I am scaling it to 7+ figures.
Come with an open mind – and you’ll leave with a full one.
Workshop: One-Person Empire - How to Start & Scale a Highly-Profitable & Recession-Proof Personal Brand
- Length: 3 hours
In addition, you'll also get recordings of the full Q&A from the live recording, so you can see how other 5- 6- and 7- figure entrepreneurs are thinking about applying the lessons from the workshop into their own businesses.
Simply complete your information below to get instant access to the workshop.
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You'll get complete clarity over how to take your money management to the next level, scale your business faster, grow your personal wealth and bring more fun and less stress to the entrepreneurial journey.
I lay it all out on a plate for you in this workshop. Add it to your order now for 50% off -- only $100.
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